Monday Motivation

This is such a powerful quote to me, and I want to print it out and plaster it everywhere! I hope when I look back in 50 years, or even in just a few years, that I see that the choices I’m making are ones that lead me towards what I want, not simply choices that are guided by worry.  

Monday Motivation

Hello! I’m alive! Sorry for the blog pause, things have been pretty busy/hectic around here. But what better way to welcome you all back that with this quote? This one’s really spoken to me lately, and is especially relevant now that I’ve managed to gather the courage/time to open up shop (finally)! I have known for a while […]

Friday Five: Blue Nails

One of my favorite trends right now is adding a pop of blue with nail color. Having a “cool” complexion and lighter hair, I’ve always favored blues and greens in my wardrobe, but adding it to the ends of my fingers is a nice switch! Take a break from the usual pink and red polishes for spring and add an unexpected […]

Dining Chair Inspiration

Remember those chairs I told you I was fixing up for my dining room? I know I promised a DIY post, and I haven’t forgotten, but this isn’t it. We had a couple of rainy weekends last month and, since I can’t safely use paint stripper or spray paint inside my apartment, I had to […]