hellokorin holiday: a “first date” interview!

Valentine’s Day is all about the love—friendship love included! So to let you all get to know me a little better, my best friend and co-blogger Lexi (of Basically Bubbly) and I decided to answer a few questions about ourselves, first-date-style. (Lexi and I during college. Look at those tans!) 1. What inspired you to start your […]

Monday Motivation

Hello! I’m alive! Sorry for the blog pause, things have been pretty busy/hectic around here. But what better way to welcome you all back that with this quote? This one’s really spoken to me lately, and is especially relevant now that I’ve managed to gather the courage/time to open up shop (finally)! I have known for a while […]

Happy birthday, Audrey.

“Elegance is the only beauty  that never fades.” -Audrey Hepburn Today would have been the actress’ 85th birthday, and the world (even Google!) is celebrating. Not only was Ms. Hepburn a talented actress and style icon, she also spent her life helping others. As a teen she secretly danced ballet to raise money for the Dutch […]

Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day, my loves! Here are a few sweet links to carry you into the weekend. I hope you spend it with the person (or people) you love! Check out Google’s logo today, it’s so sweet to hear others’ stories. If you don’t have a Valentine, you can borrow one of mine (sorry J […]

Snow Day

It’s snowing here in Dallas, and I get to spend my day at work (without much actual work to do). If you’re in the same boat as I am, or just plain bored at work, here are a few gems I’ve found floating around the internet lately, along with a couple photos of what I […]

Weekend Update (& Recipes)

Is it Monday already? This weekend went by much too quickly. Friday marked one week of having Ginger, and this little cutieface is settling in quite nicely: Saturday morning I dragged my grandmother to a new thrift shop near her house to look at some dining chairs I’d seen on Craigslist, and we spent a […]

Weekend Winter Wonderland

I woke up Friday morning to a text from my boss telling me not to try driving in and just work from home, and looked out my window to see a (rock-solid) layer of white covering everything! It was beautiful. I spent the morning watching the news for road conditions and weather reports, neither of […]

All We Really Need is Girls!

I came across this floating around the internet and I love it so much I can’t even tell you! I want my possible future daughters to grow up knowing they’re more than princesses and using their brains. Check out this one too, and visit their website. Go girls!